St. Mary's is very blessed to have an extraordinary Sunday School Leader, Judy Roper. Judy offers substantial spiritual formation in an active and engaging curriculum.
Feb. 23rd - Happiness - Hannah's Joyful Suprise
Bible Story: Hannah's Prayer and Samuel's Birth (1 Samuel 1:1-20)
Main Idea: God hears our prayers and brings us joy
March 2nd - Fear - Elijah Alone in the Dark
Bible Story: Elijah's Encounter with God (1 Kings 19)
Main Idea: God is always with us, even in our darkest moments
March 9th - Trust - Mary Accepts the Impossible
Bible Story: Mary Visits Elizabeth (Luke: 1:39-56)
Main Idea: God brings joy and fulfillment through his promises
March 16th - Anger - When Jesus Had "Enough"
Bible Story: Jesus Clears the Temple (Matthew 21: 12-13)
Main Idea: Jesus teaches us to stand up for what is right