A Unique Opportunity for St. Mary's to
Partner with the Metchosin Foundation
Parish Council was delighted to have Morgan Yates present a proposal on a partnership opportunity with the Metchosin Foundation.
The Bilston Conservation Corridor Project: A multi-year, multi-agency initiative, seeking to preserve intact habitat and biodiversity, within the heart of the Bilston Creek Watershed. Working in collaboration with supportive local landowners, secure an interconnected corridor of diverse habitats, from hilltop headwaters to the protected estuary at Witty's Lagoon. To learn more, please visit: https://metchosinfoundation.ca/bilston-conservation-corridor-project/ (Our own Heloise is the narrator!)
The Metchosin Foundation has already seen success with the creation of the Bilston Headwaters Nature Reserve as a first step in the Conservation Corridor Project. https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/chunk-of-creek-watershed-in-metchosin-to-become-a-nature-reserve-8684918
As part of the larger Conservation Corridor Project , Morgan presented a proposal is to develop a simple “Community Education & Engagement” hub, at the southern terminus of the Bilston Conservation Corridor. This would involve creating a short trail with interpretive signage. The form and scale of interpretive signage might be similar to that which has been developed for the memorial Garry Oak meadow restoration project located on the Metchosin municipal grounds, between the District office and the Farmers' Market.
The Metchosin Foundation has met with the Bilston Creek Farm who have guven their ethusiastic support and “love the idea of a native plant restoration area and path.”
Feb 12 Update:
Energetic and inspiring conversations have now been held between the Metchosin Foundation and both landowners and that as a result:
- the initial concept plan has been expanded and refined
- multi-party collaboration will define next steps
Please see the attached pdf with diagrams and maps.
We will keep you updated as the project develops.