The historic cemetery and St. Mary the Virgin church was 150 years old in 2023. The index, or list, of those buried at the cemetery can be matched to the map for the exact location of each grave and ash plot. The index and the map are also displayed at the cemetery.
If you are viewing the map on a mobile device with a small screen, this description of the plot locations might help you find a specific plot:
If you are able to visit the cemetery, give thanks to the volunteers who maintain it and the church. It is especially beautiful when the wildflowers bloom in late March and April. There is a donation box along the walkway to the church if you can help the maintenance financially.
If you or a family member have strong links to Metchosin, and might want to be buried at the cemetery, please contact the Office Administrator of the church at 250-474-4119, or email, or Dale Morrison at for more information.