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Just 4 weeks until the Blackberry Festival. We are looking forward to a fun filled day. Please join in the fun On October 5th between 11am–2pm. If you have capacity to volunteer please contact Helen McArthur.

The pie production day will take place next Saturday, Sept 14th. Starting at 9am an enthusiastic group of volunteers will be preparing the pies. If you are able to volunteer or know someone able to help contact Helen McArthur. Students looking for volunteer work can use this as an opportunity to gain some volunteer hours.

We will produce as many pies as possible but we are short on blackberries this year. If you are able to pick this week please deliver to the church. If your blackberries are lacking we have ‘apples-a-plenty’ and if you are willing we can supply you with apples for peeling, coring and chopping ready for some apple/blackberry pies. Please contact Helen McArthur to coordinate.

Helen can be reached at or 250-686-6536

Many thanks

With blackberry blessings
