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March 16th - Anger - When Jesus Had "Enough"
Bible Story: Jesus Clears the Temple (Matthew 21: 12-13)
Main Idea: Jesus teaches us to stand up for what is right

March 23rd - Spring Break (No Sunday School)

Central Theme: The resurrection of Jesus heralds a NEW LIFE brimming with hope and joy, a promise that inspires and uplifts.

March 30th - Wake Up!
Bible Story:  Raising Lazarus (John 11:1-44) 
Main Idea: Jesus raises Lazarus, demonstrating His power over death and offering new life

April 6th - What, What? That Wasn't Me 
Bible Story: Peter Denies Jesus and Is Later Restored (John 18:15-18, 25-27; John 21:15-19) 
Main Idea:  Peter's denial and restoration teach us about Jesus' forgiveness and second chances.

April 13th - Let's Do This Again Soon 
Bible Story: The Last Supper (John 13:1-30) 
Main Idea: The Last Supper reveals how Jesus wants us to remember Him and share in His life

April 20th -The Miracle Morning
Bible Story: Jesus Raised and Appears to Mary Magdalene (John 20:11-18) 
Main idea: Jesus' resurrection brings joy and the promise of eternal life with Him