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Join us as we celebrate Deacon Wally Eamer and his 16 years of ministry in the Diocese. Wally was ordained a deacon on November 25th, 2008, and retires on Sunday May 5th, 2024. Wally will be our preacher on this special occasion. We welcome the Very Reverend Ansley Tucker, former Dean of Christ Church Cathedral and current Director of Deacons who will preside.

Wally served as deacon at St. Peter & St. Paul, Esquimalt, Holy Trinity Sooke, and St. Marys’ Metchosin. As Bishop Anna said in her announcement letter (attached),

Wally has faithfully served as your deacon, and as a leader amongst deacons in the diocese. His interests in environmental sustainability, pilgrimage and indigenous relations have made him a compelling example of Christ’s servant ministry to the wider world. Within the parish, Wally also stepped up in ways above and beyond our normal expectations of a deacon, by providing day to day leadership following the departure of your previous incumbent.  

A potluck lunch will follow the service on May 5th, 2024. Bring a dish if you are able. Please RSVP to Dawne, our office administrator at 250-474-4119 or so we will know how many tables and chairs to set up.